Open Enrollement - Understanding your ACA Options. November 30, 2017 1-2p Pacific Time
This webinar is hosted by NorCal CarciNET Community to help NET Patients around the country better understand open enrollment for the ACA.
We are pleased to have Stephanie Fajuri from the Cancer Legal Resource Center (CLRC) joining us on the webinar. Stephaine is the Program Director of the Disability Rights Legal Center’s Cancer Legal Resource Center (CLRC) in Los Angeles, California. As CLRC Supervising Attorney, Ms. Fajuri provides legal services to people with cancer related legal issues, and has presented nearly 100 educational trainings on behalf of the CLRC, primarily focusing on topics such as health care reform, employment rights, access to health care and government benefits, and advance planning. Furthermore, she has overseen the counseling of thousands of cancer patients, caregivers, and health care professionals on the CLRC’s national telephone assistance line.
You can download the slides by clicking here.