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On Sunday June 9th, 2013 the Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging Patient Advocacy Advisory Board (PAAB) held a patient education day at their annual meeting. The patient program is designed for patient and those who support them as well as the general public to learn more about molecular imaging and treatments. The day included a special NETs breakout in the afternoon covering specific imaging and treatments available for those with NETS delivered by international experts. NorCal CarciNet's Josh Mailman is the current chair of the PAAB and gave a keynote address at the conference.

We have linked the Agenda below to the online presentation. We hope you find the information useful.

Sunday, June 9, 2013
Welcome: SNMMI Patient Advocacy Advisory Board Chair
Josh Mailman

Molecular Imaging 101
David Gilmore, MS, CNMT, RT(R)(N)

What You Should Know About Radiation and Nuclear Medicine
Fred Fahey, DSc
History of Nuclear Medicine
Leonard M. Freeman, MD
SNMMI-TS Plenary
Get an introduction on Nuclear Medicine from the perspective Josh Mailman, President NorCal

NETs Breakout Session
Introduction and Welcome from Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumour Society President- Jackie Herman
Patient Perspective - John Martin
Theranostics – New perspectives on personalized care for NETs – Richard P. Baum, MD, PhD
Approaches to Imaging Neuroendocrine Tumors DOTA-NOC - Dr. Jean-Luc C. Urbain, MD
Updates on imaging in BC for NETs patients- Hagen Kennecke, MD of BC Cancer Agency