This search tool/map is to help patients and physicians identify which centers are currently offering Ga68 PET/CT, PET/MRI and PRRT for either Neuroendocrine Tumors or Prostate Cancer.
We have included some trial locations as well. For the most up to date trial information please see
The MAP image is not a current image as data is updated weekly.
This tool is not a recommendation for treatment or diagnostic test.
Please work with your physician to determine if this diagnostic test is correct for you.
As of June 1, 2016 the FDA approved Ga68 DotaTate Scan (NETSPOT (tm)) for Neuroendocrine Tumors.
Before you go for your scan confirm how the scan will be paid for. Medicare does provide coverage for NETSPOT but not all private insurance does. PLEASE confirm coverage with insurer prior to the scan.
This tool is offered as a public service - to inform us of inaccuracies, new locations or provide us contact information for a location - please
If you like this service, please consider donating to NorCal CarciNET so we can continue to provide and maintain our services.
To learn more about Ga68 and Theranostics, please visit our video channel from the 3rd Theranostics World Congress.
To learn about how to read a NETSPOT image, click here for SNMMI NETSPOT reader training. Please note the reader training requires registration at the SNMMI website.
To use the tool - please click here or on the MAP image. You will be presented with a search tool. You may enter search information or leave it blank. Once you have done this, click on the select button at the bottom of the page.
The results will be presented in table form - if you wish to map the centers - select Map these contacts above the Name column.