After nearly two decades of things going progressively more haywire with my physical health and mood, in September 2021 I was finally diagnosed as living with a small bowel neuroendocrine tumor (NET). On February 1st, 2022 I was fortunate enough to have my tumor removed by a fantastic specialist surgeon, along with some significant remodeling of my guts, and hope to live a long and now somewhat less grouchy life with this rare cancer.
My experience is extraordinarily privileged despite a too-long time to diagnosis. I am fortunate to have had a gastroenterologist who searched for the thing that was causing me pain, the ability to find amazing support groups like NorCal CarciNET and from them understand the need for NET specialist care, the ability to switch insurance providers to access specialists, and the remarkable luck of living in a city with an entire NET team a short ride away. And I am most fortunate that my tumor was found relatively early before it had a chance to metastasize beyond 2 nearby lymph nodes. Without the support and assistance provided by NorCal CarciNET I would definitely not be in the reasonably healthy position I find myself in now!