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Zebras and Friends- time to get running (or jogging or walking) in a fantastic fundraiser!

The NorCal CarciNET community has provided us with much support, so I’m looking to give back with your help.
Goal $2,000.00
0% towards our goal
$0.00 raised
The NorCal CarciNet Community's mission is to help those affected by neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) and carcinoid cancer by sharing information related to these diseases, and connecting those affected with support groups, the medical community, educational conferences, and the latest info re advances in treatments and clinical trials. Through the efforts of NorCal CarciNet and other like-focused organizations and medical professionals around the world, new therapies and patient education are helping NET patients live more comfortably and with more hope for a bright future. We need to continue to support ongoing research. I was diagnosed in November 2016 after a mass was incidentally discovered during a cervical MRI for an unrelated issue. That discovery led to a CT scan, then a biopsy. Incidental discovery is a common scenario for NET patients, as symptoms are often misdiagnosed and folks may suffer for years and go without appropriate treatment. I am currently stable in my disease and monthly treatment has proven effective in controlling my symptoms. However, there are thousands of others who are not faring so well and they need our help.