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It's that time to support NorCal CarciNet Community!

Time to break out those running shoes and support a great organization, The NorCal Carcinet Community, who helps people battle rare forms of cancer caused by neuroendocrine tumors. They provide support, education, advocacy and medical community connections that are otherwise very difficult to find. More importantly, they provide hope that you can battle this cancer and continue a long, productive life.
Goal $5,000.00
86.7% towards our goal
$4,335.00 raised
The Lloyd Family
$ 500.00
Here's to another great year of running & supporting the NorCal CarciNET community!
Jen And Jason
$ 200.00
We're so happy to support a great cause. Go Todd!
$ 25.00
Go Todd go! Love, Mom
$ 100.00
Go Todd!
$ 75.00
Keep the cadence up!
Ted Mihara
$ 50.00
Proud to support this cause
Rick Turco
$ 100.00
Christine Cowan
$ 50.00
Pier & Angela
$ 100.00
Go Todd!
Mike Erica & Cameron
$ 50.00
Cheering you on from WV!
Shannon Flaskerud
$ 20.00
In memory of my dear sister - Devon Knight
Brian & Stevo
$ 100.00
Run Todd Run!
Tom McCuch
$ 150.00
$ 50.00
Great cause - have a great run Todd.
$ 100.00
Mehta Alekhina Family!
Hello! As many of you know, I have a good friend and neighbor who is battling Carcinoid, a rare form of liver cancer. For the past 6 years, I've run in the Oakland Running Festival to raise money and awareness for battling this illness. To date, we have raised over $50,000 and had over 400 people participate. The Oakland running festival is a great event and a lot of fun! You can sign up for the event via the NorCal CarciNet website (preferred) at, get some cool stuff and raise money for a great cause. See you there on March 24!