Attending a local support group meeting is a great way to find out more information about treatement and resources available in your area.  While we welcome you at our support group meetings, we realize that other support groups may be closer to you.  In Northern California we are fortunate to have two additional support in addition to NorCal CarciNETs.  Northern California Neuroendocrine Cancer Fighters (NCNCF) and Roseville Carcinoid Cancer/NETs Cancer Group

For those with Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) you may wish to visit AMEND. AMEND is an international patient group providing information and support to anyone affected by multiple endocrine neoplasia disorders and associated endocrine tumors and syndromes. AMEND is run by patients for patients, providing free worldwide email and telephone support for patients, together with patient information produced with the help of an expert medical advisory team. AMEND also runs a patient Research Registry and a Research Fund and Young Investigator Awards for medical professionals. 

For a complete list of NET support group visit Caring for Carcinoid's website.